Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

What a day! We didn't get as much snow as predicted, thank God! I thought it was going to be much worse. We were expecting 20 to 30 cm, which is somewhere around a foot of the fluffy stuff. My dog absolutely loves fresh snow. He was rolling around in it, thoroughly enjoying himself. I worked on my winter fairy a bit more - she's not completely finished, but very close.

I'm hoping to make this the first of a series that explores something I'm calling "intuitive" art. It fits the subject matter I've been reading about lately. There's always a connection between what we think about and what we produce on a creative level. And I believe that creativity is manifested by the spirit of inspiration, but the artist has to be available on an intuitive level. Hence "intuitive" art - what happens when one is truly open to inspiration? I guess I'll find out...

All my best,


  1. I took a class on Intuitive Art once... quite a few years ago, shortly after my marriage broke up. Now THERE were some pretty interesting paintings that came out of that! Lol! Nothing i'd be able to show anyone! A lot of graphic emotion came out!

    We used only cheap kids rolls of paper, and cheap kids paints, so that we wouldn't worry about wasting quality 'ingredients', which is a good idea, because i totally would do that. It would hold me back. Anyway, it's cool that you're trying it! It will be interesting to see what evolves! :-)

    And, OH your Winter fairy is looking beautiful!

    Hey.. have you noticed that you usually paint brown hair... like your own? I usually paint red, like my own. Other artists that we follow also do the same. Do you find that you tend to create mini self portraits to a degree every time you paint? I know that is absolutely the case with me! Are we all, on some small part, like Frida Kahlo?

    Oh, and i like what you did with the text colours on the template. Made them just a bit more neutral. Works really nicely, and your work looks marvelous on it! :-D

  2. Great work with your fairy art! The colors are warm and brilliant.
    Intuitive art is an intriguing concept and something I'd love to further explore. :-)
