Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dear Friends!

A very belated hello to all my dear friends! I just wanted to let you know that I'm still around - recovering from a bout of the flu turned into sinus infection = NASTY! But I'm happy to say that I'm feeling much improved! One thing about getting sick is that when you've recovered, you really appreciate your good health. Being healthy and energized is a wonderful gift that we sometimes take for granted. Well... I'm GRATEFUL beyond words!

I haven't done very much art since before Christmas, and I think I'm going into withdrawal...I'm usually doodling, coloring or outlining something. But in these past 3 weeks I've done nada. That's going to change. I have plans for a couple of pieces - two that I started before Christmas, and one new one. I hope to be posting those fairly soon. Oh - and the Cat in the Grass piece still needs a background - that's how behind I am on my work! That poor cat is still looking for mice...

No worries - it will soon be remedied. In the meantime, I wish you all a wonderful, healthy and happy 2011. As this year unfolds, I pray that God's immeasurable love and abundant blessings will wrap around you like a thick warm blanket on a blustery day.

~ Kate

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate! I am very glad to see that you are back. You were missed. :-)

    It's also good to know that you are recovering from your flu/sinus infection.

    Can't wait to see your future work! :-)
