Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Indecision Has Made Her Appearance!

This is a piece I drew shortly after I moved into my current apartment just before the end of 2011. This is an apartment building I've lived in before, and I just love it here! There's a ravine behind me and I make sure that I step out onto my balcony every day, just to revel in the appreciation, gratitude and beauty of it all! I am so thankful to be back here - it's definitely home for me, and a place of serenity and peace. I can truly call my home my sanctuary. But, like everyone else, I've had to go through some uncomfortable and unpleasant things to get here. Once my boxes were unpacked, and I was feeling a little more settled, I drew this piece. As I was drawing the figure of the girl, divisions appeared. As the drawing neared completion, I thought she looked rather divided - conflicted and consequently indecisive, which is exactly what I had been going through prior to my move. So I decided to call this piece Indecision. The light around the tree is energy - the force of life, and in the middle of her conflict and indecision, she realizes that she still holds the thread of her life. She can still move forward and ultimately everything will work together for good. As we make decisions and move forward, our lives unfold. And this unfolding happens in the most interesting and beautiful way! For this piece I used ink, watercolor and pencil crayon.

1 comment:

  1. There is much wisdom in this post. This painting is fascinating to me & very beautiful. Love the golden glow ! It really speaks to me.

    For some reason, I have to keep re-following your site because blogger somehow un-follows it? I've heard this could happen if you're following too many sites, but I've only joined a few. Just wanted to clear that up.

    Anyway...keep creating because you are amazing at it ! :)
